Financing SMEs In The Current Context  

Posted by ahshan in

This formula seems to allow a high volume and efficiency, while the risk of loss to an acceptable level within a portfolio lender. For the leasing companies are willing to take more risks, it was not unusual for more secure transactions with some of the personal property of an owner of the Mortgage Company.

In the recent economic crisis, none of these ways to extend credit has remained strong. In fact, for some, the traditional approach used to extend credit has proven to be a recipe for disaster, such as delinquency and default rates soared, the portfolios were in ruins and the positions of the additional security measures was essentially useless. In addition, the economic downturn of many great presentations, the pyramid scam, which had gone unnoticed for years. Many leasing companies have been put out of business. For leasing companies and banks that survived, many were forced to substantially reduce or leave the arena small ticket leasing altogether.

As confidence in the economy has gradually begun to return, and juvenile crime rates are falling, lenders are eager to integrate portfolios, but apparently only a "" credit quality. This has caused extreme challenges for small and medium-sized companies looking for funding to begin, continue or even increase in activity. Unless they are an excellent long-term credit, many of the traditional financing is not yet available. For lenders, the market "," credits to buy new equipment or replacement is down significantly reduce the number of those who are trying to revive his wallet. The oldest commercial borrowers and stronger still proceed with caution when it comes to acquiring new equipment or vehicles. This lack of capacity produces its effects on driving prices to extremely low levels. It could be argued, even if it is good for companies that are legitimate, is "the price compared to the risk" unrealistic for providers, and probably not a wise long-term.

Where are we? With the new economic news uneven, with potholes on the economic front, including poor housing and unemployment figures continued, things are still slow on the demand side of many lenders and the lack of real capital other personal property, is still not enough credit available to the borrower less than perfect.

Many small businesses today have their bank borrowing was reduced quickly or "maxed-out." With low or negative positions on home equity, credit lines and credit card is not a financing solution they once were for small businesses either. Some have turned to private lenders, but at a high price. Prices can be as much as 20 to 30 percent or more. This is often a last resort for a company and is generally not pleasant.

Independent hosts compete for a small volume of space in the business world today can provide a solid and profitable business opportunities, if approached in a practical way. Think your business model should include the following:

Adjusting the scoring models for certain parameters, which require a revision instead of the real analyst to produce the auto-land may lead to further approvals. When the overall picture has been sufficiently analyzed, the concentration can lead to an acceptable "risk" to the landlord.

Approaching suppliers previously considered beyond the reach of small independents can produce unexpected positive results. Sellers are now more receptive to working with more than the traditional high-volume "program" of the owners. Today, suppliers who also suffer from lower demand for their products that require funding for a wide range of customer credit quality. With fewer sales, each approval or reject more sense. They need lenders who find creative ways to approve more transactions. The cheapest price is not necessarily the review to run than today choosing a seller of a financial partner.

The provision of funds from non-conventional equipment company, but it is necessary to find new growth opportunities with strong companies. Examples include school buses to private transport companies, taxi medallions, and helicopters that provide weather and traffic information in major metropolitan areas. With a little creativity, there is no limit to the types of activity "computer" or vehicles that can adjust the parameters of a credit company and appetite.

Spread of marketing and networking is critical in this environment. While they were in a fight for survival mode, some leasing companies and financing has been reduced to these functions. Companies can not understand a host independent, is still there. Rental business to know who are actively looking for new loans, and business is essential.

Return to some sense of structure improvements can also improve the position of the landlord in the trade can lead to approval, which appears at first glance, it might have been in decline. Additional devices, such as placing constraints on paid company car, the promise of the cash surrender value of life insurance, or additional security measures to keep deposits can help provide that something extra that may be necessary in some situations .

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 7:00 AM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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